Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Clinic is supposed to be this amazing thing...

I would love to meet someone that just loves clinic. (For those of you who don't know what clinic is, clinic is where they bring in all the drs you need to see to you all on one day.) For us, clinic seemed to be a God send. We live 3.5 hours away from the hospital, why would we want to go up there every other week to see a dr? Well, more and more we are really starting to dislike clinics. Most of the time, all the drs (or in this case nurse practitioners are not even there). Nothing gets my blood boiling more than knowing W isn't getting to see all his specialist. But clinic yesterday won first prize.

The dr we were most excited to see, we didn't get to see. Dr. Eeyore is what we call him. He is W's orthopedist. He wants to do surgery on W around the age of 2 (which is coming much more quickly than I would like.) Well, we were told that he was at a deposition and we should go ahead and leave because they didn't know how long he would be (this was at 4 pm). They opened the door and who walks past......yep, Dr. Eeyore. Can you believe this crap? We have been in that tiny little room since 1 pm. And he couldn't even take the time to come into our room to talk about the impending surgery?! You best believe I am one angry mama. We already don't like the man. So Bry and I decided this is not the dr for us. We are getting a new ortho.

So once we drop Eeyore and we already see Uro outside of clinic, that leaves just developmental ped in clinic that we see. I really hope that clinics work for some family because they don't work for us.

Other than that, clinic went well. It appears that W is having some problems with chewing and eating. We are now going to start him with an eating therapist and possibly the eating clinic down here. He is also now on a stool softener. That brings the med total to 3 meds and 1 vitamin. They were really happy with him other than is lack of eating and weight gain.

He did have a sweat test done to check for cystic fibrosis. We should get the results back from that soon. Surpisingly enough, they actually got a sample. We have never seen this child sweat, EVER. And if you know him, you just know that that totally makes since, he is Mr. Calm, Cool, and Collected.

1 comment:

  1. I cant believe that he was right outside the room!! That is crazy!! ((hugs))
